
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Marriage is about...Doing each other's favorite things

We are learning a whole lot about this whole marriage business as we go through it. One of those things is learning how to do each other's favorite things. 

When we were getting to know each other, Brantley and I both agreed that we would try new things.  Maybe going to new places, trying fancy meals, or taking a leap of faith now and then.  When we got married, we started realizing that the "new things" in our life may be more of the little things the other has always enjoyed doing.  

As you know, Brantley loves guitar.  loves it, and I love that he loves it! What amazes me more, is how he can play a guitar for hours and never get tired of it.  The only reason he stops is if there is dinner or we have to leave or something. One of his favorite places (in the world, I think) is the "Guitar Center." It has every type of guitar you can imagine, as well as Brantley's favorite, the Taylor Guitar. When Brantley has some extra time in the evening after work, he always wants to go there, even if he does not say it, I just know by the way he is listing off other things we could do that that option is in his mind.  We go a lot :) Its fun for me to see him in his favorite place, playing guitars we cant afford and telling me all about them.  Its his favorite thing and I'm glad I get to experience it with him :)

Tonight, Brantley treated me to one of my favorite things :) Two actually! That boy spoils me :) When I picked him up from work today (a little early since we had a prior engagement) He told me he had a surprise for me! We got in the car and drove a little ways, I had no idea where we were going. When we pulled into the nail salon parking lot, I about jumped out of the moving car. I have been wanting to get my nails done for a while since we have been in California. That guy is too sweet.  When we got to the front desk, however, he surprised me even more by signing up for a pedicure himself! Oh man that was the best to have him do it with me :) He loved it too! haha :) What the sweetest thing was was that he wanted to do one of my favorite things too.  I married a good one. 

Marriage is about doing each other's favorite things. It may not be your favorite, but because it's your sweetheart's you do it anyway. You do it to see what makes them happy and experience it for yourself to grow closer and happier.  Thats what I learned about marriage today. 

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